Nicalloy Mo-6 (E NiCrMo-6)
Nicalloy Mo-6 (E NiCrMo-6)
- Basic coated electrode
- Weld metal is highly resistant to hot cracking, stress corrosion cracking and thermal shock
- Recommended for low temperature and cryogenic steels like 9% Ni steels
- Carbon diffusion at high temperature during heat treatment of dissimilar joints is largely reduced
- Weld metal meets highest quality requirements
- Good performance on AC and DC
- Joining 9% Nickel steel for cryogenic applications, especially LNG storage systems
- Welding of ASTM SA 553 Class 1 and SA 353 Class 1 steels
- High grade welding of high Mo nickel base alloys as well as Cr-Ni-Mo steels with high Mo content
- Joining Ni base alloys to steel, stainless/ heat resistant cryogenic steels and alloys