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Ador International
Ador International
C-Mn Steels
C-Mn Steels
Maxbond E6012
Superbond E6013
Superbond S E6013
Superbond SS E6013
Kingbond E6013
Kingbond S E6013
Metalbond E6013
Supabase E7018
Supabase X Plus E7018 H4R
Tenalloy Z Plus E7018-1
Tenalloy S Plus E7018-1
Tenalloy R E7018-G
Tenalloy-38R Spl E7018-G
Tenalloy 16 Spl E7016-1
Tenalloy 16 W E7016
Tenalloy 16E Spl
Topstar E6020
Topstar 140 E7024
Silox Fe
Silox-Fe LH
Celwel 60 E6010
Celwel 60S E6011
Celwel 70G E7010-G
Celwel 70P E7010-P1
Celwel 80G E8010-G
Celwel 80P E8010-P1
Low Alloy Steel
Low Alloy Steel
Molyten E7018-A1
Cromoten 1 E 8018-B1
Cromoten E 8018-B2
Cromoten STC E 8018-B2
Cromoten C E9018-B3
Cromoten 2 STC E9018-B3
Cromoten S Plus E7018-B2L
Cromoten C S Plus E8018-B3L
Cromoten D E8018-B6
Cromoten D S Plus E8018-B6L
Cromoten-9 E8018-B8
Cromoten 9L E8018-B8L
Cromoten 9M E9018-B91
Cromoten 9M-15 E9015-B91
Cromoten V E8013-G
Cromoten Ti E8013-G
Cromoten C Ti E9013-G
Tenalloy 70A E8018-C1
Tenalloy 70B E8018-C2
Tenalloy-70BL E7018-C2L
Tenalloy 70C E8018-C3
Tenalloy 70CL E7018-C3L
Tenalloy 70D E8018-C4
Tenalloy 55 E8018-G
Tenalloy 60 E8018-G
Tenalloy 60N E8018-G
Tenalloy 16E Spl E8016-G
Tenalloy 60D3 E8018-D3
Tenalloy 70D1 E9018-D1
Tenalloy 90D3 E9018-D3
Tenalloy 65 E9018-G
Tenalloy 65 Spl E9018-G
Tenalloy 70 E9018-G
Tenalloy 75D2 E10018-D2
Tenalloy 75 E10018-M
Tenalloy 75G E10018-G
Tenalloy 80 E11018-M
Tenalloy 80HH Spl E11018-M
Tenalloy 110 E11018-G-H4R
Tenalloy 120 E12018M
Tenalloy 120G E12018G
Tenalloy 4130
Tenalloy 125
Nimoten E9018-M
Nimoten Plus
Nimoten Plus 535
Ultracorten I E7018-W1
Ultracorten III E8018-W2
Tenalloy 80P2 E8045-92 H4R
Tenalloy 90P2 E9045-P2 H4R
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Superinox 16/8/2 E16-8-2-16
Superinox 1A E308-16
Superinox 1AH E308H-16
Striker 308L E3086-16
Superinox 1C E308L-16
Superinox 1C-15 LT E308L-15
Betanox 308L Plus E308L-17
Superinox 2A E316-16
Betanox 316 Plus E316-17
Superinox 2C E316L-16
Superinox 2C Mo E316L-16
Betanox ZF E316L-16
Betanox K E316L-15
Betanox 316L Plus E316L-17
Superinox 2D E317L-16
Superinox 2B E318-16
Betanox 318 Plus E318-17
Superinox 1B E347-16
Betanox 347 Plus E347-17
Betanox D E309-16
Betanox 309 Plus E309-17
Betanox DL E309L-16 E309Cb-16
Betanox DCb E309Cb-16
Betanox 309Cb Plus E309Cb-17
Betanox DMo E309Mo-16
Betanox 309Mo Plus E309Mo-17
Betanox DMoL E309LMo-16
Superinox 312 E312-16
Betanox 310 Plus E310-17
Betanox 20/30 E320-15
Betanox 20/25/5/Cu E385-15
Superinox 630 E630-16
Betachrome ND
Betachrome ND Spl
Austomang 209 E209-16
Austomang 219 E219-16
Austomang 240 E240-16
Austomang 307 E307-16
Superinox 409Nb E409Nb-16
Betachrome 13Cr E410-15
Betachrome 13/4 LB E410NiMo-15
Betachrome 13/4 LB-R E410NiMo-16
Betachrome 17Cr E430-15
Betanox 4462 E2209-16
Betanox 2553 E2553-16
Betanox 2594 E2594-15
Betanox 2594-16 E2594-16
Betanox 2595-16 E2595-16
Betanox 2595-15 E2595-15
Cast Iron
Cast Iron
Casten Est
Castmonel ENiCu-B
Castnickel ENi-CI
Ferricast ENiFe-CI
Zedalloy 55P
Zedalloy 250
Zedalloy 350
Zedalloy 350LH
Zedalloy 550
Zedalloy 550 LH
Zedalloy 600
Zedalloy 650
Zedalloy 604
Zedalloy 670 Spl
Zedalloy WD
Betachrome N
Zedalloy 12Mn
Zedalloy 20Cr
Zedalloy CrMn
Zedalloy K
Zedalloy 17Cr NS Plus
Zedalloy VB
Zedalloy 680
Nimoten Plus 535 A
Nimoten Plus 535 B
Nimoten 9580
Nimoten 9650
Nimoten HFD
Zedalloy CoCr-A
Nickel and Nickel alloys
Nickel and Nickel alloys
Nicalloy 1 ENi-1
Nicalloy Fe-2 ENiCrFe-2
Nicalloy Fe-3 ENiCrFe-3
Nicalloy Mo-3 ENiCrMo-3
Nicalloy Mo-4 ENiCrMo-4
Nicalloy Mo-5 ENiCrMo-5
Nicalloy Mo-6 ENiCrMo-6
Nicalloy Mo-10 ENiCrMo-10
Nicalloy Mo-12 ENiCrMo-12
Nicalloy Mo-14 ENiCrMo-14
Nicalloy Fe-7 ENiCrFe-7
Nicalloy NiMo-7 ENiMo-7
Nicalloy 617
Albond 5 Si E4043
Albond 12 Si
Bronze ECuSn-A
Bronze Al-A2 ECuAl-A2
Bronze NiAl
Super CuNi ECuNi
Gouging & Cutting
Gouging & Cutting
CAG 9900
CAG 9901
CAG 9905
Wires and Fluxes
Wires and Fluxes
Gas Metal Arc Welding/ Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Gas Metal Arc Welding/ Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
C-Mn Steel
Low alloy steel (high temperature)
Low alloy steel (low temperature)
Stainless Steel
Duplex stainless steel
Nickel Alloys
Aluminium Alloys
Copper Alloys
Cobalt Alloy
Low alloy steel (high strength)
Flux Cored Arc Welding
Flux Cored Arc Welding
FCAW C-Mn Steel
Low alloy steel (High temp)
Low alloy steel (Low temp)
Low alloy steel (High strength)
Low alloy steel (weathering steel)
FCAW Stainless steel
Hardfacing (Abrasion Impact)
Metal-cored Arc Welding
Metal-cored Arc Welding
MCAW C-Mn Steel
MCAW Stainless Steel
MCAW Hardfacing
Submerged Arc Welding
Submerged Arc Welding
Strip Cladding Flux
Brazing Products
Brazing Products
Bare Brazing Rods
Bare Brazing Rods
Bras 3302
Bras 3305
Bras 3314
Bras 3343
Bras 3356
Coated Brazing Rods
Coated Brazing Rods
BRACC 2211
BRACC 7700
BRACC 3344
Brazing Fluxes
Brazing Fluxes
Albraze A (FB1-A)
Silbraze F (FB3-F)
MMA Equipment (CC)
MMA Equipment (CC)
Champ 200
Champ 400 X
Champ T400
Thyroluxe 401
Silent Challenger 401
Silent Challenger 501
Supergen 320
Champ 500/Champ 600
Champ 250
RED 403/RED 503
TPA 303/ TPA 403
Double Mustang / Double Racer
Gl Series Rectifiers
Thyroluxe 401/Thyroluxe 600
Champ T400
Silent Challenger Series Sc 301 / Sc 401 / Sc 501 / Sc 2×301
RED Series Welding Transformers
RED / TPA Series Welding Transformers
TIG Equipment (CC)
TIG Equipment (CC)
Champtig 500 AD
Champtig 300P
Champtig 400 P
MIG Equipment (CV)
MIG Equipment (CV)
Champmig 400 CC/CV
Champmig 300
Champmig 400
Champmig 600
Striker 400
Maxmig 251
Maximig 400
Ranger 600
Champmig 250
Advanced Multipurpose Synergic Equipment (CC - CV)
Advanced Multipurpose Synergic Equipment (CC - CV)
Champ Pulse 500
Champ Multi 400
Champ Multi 400/600
Submerged Arc Welding Equipment (CV)
Submerged Arc Welding Equipment (CV)
Maestro 1200 (I)
Maestro 800 (F) / 1000 (F) / 1200 (F)
TIG Add On Units
TIG Add On Units
HF 2000 / HF 2000 AD / HF 3000 / HF 3000 AD
AIR Plasma Cutting Machine
AIR Plasma Cutting Machine
Plasmacut 25
CNC Cutting Machine
CNC Cutting Machine
King Cut Smarty
King Cut Pro-CNC Strip Cutting Machine
Kingcut Edge
CNC cutting Machine – King Cut Pro
CNC Drilling Machine-Plate Drilling Machine
Gas Cutting Products
Gas Cutting Products
King Cut Pro
Kingcut Edge
Panther Nm
King Join- AGWT / 3W
King Join- AGWT / 25W
King Join- AGWT/ Ht-1
King Torch- NM
King Regulator Series
King Protect- Flashback Arrestor For Torch
King Protect R- Flashback Arrestor For Regulator
King Regulator Series (Single-Stage) Gas Regulators
King Regulator Series (Two-Stage) Gas Regulators
Holder Hc-600
Holder King Cool-600
Holder King Sword-600
Earth Clamp-600
King Welding Cable
Electrode And Flux Drying Ovens
Hypertherm Plasma Cutting Machine
Hypertherm Plasma Cutting Machine
AIR Plasma Cutting Machine
AIR Plasma Cutting Machine
Powermax 30 AIR
Powermax 45 SYNC
Powermax 65 SYNC
Powermax 85 SYNC
Powermax 105 SYNC
Powermax 125
King Glove – GP
King Glove – MP
King Glove – Mig
King Glove – Tig
King Glove – HR
King Apron, Sleeve Guard, Leg Guard
King Shield-Auto
King Shield-Hand
Maintenance & Repair
Maintenance & Repair
Wear Resistant Products
Repair & Reclamation Services
Thermal Spray Products & Services
Who we are
Board of Directors
Management Team
Ador Group
Corporate Social Responsibility
Investors Services
Investors Services
Disclosures under Regulation 46 of LODR
Investor Contact
Corporate Governance Report
Grievance Report
MGT annual Return
Credit Rating
Shareholding Pattern
Shareholder forms
Corporate Policies
Unclaimed Dividend
Amalgamation of wholly owned subsidiary
Amalgamation of Ador Fontech Limited
Code of Conduct
Contact Us
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India Distributors
C-Mn Steels
Maxbond E6012
Superbond E6013
Superbond S E6013
Superbond SS E6013
Kingbond E6013
Kingbond S E6013
Metalbond E6013
Supabase E7018
Supabase X Plus E7018 H4R
Tenalloy Z Plus E7018-1
Tenalloy S Plus E7018-1
Tenalloy R E7018-G
Tenalloy-38R Spl E7018-G
Tenalloy 16 Spl E7016-1
Tenalloy 16 W E7016
Tenalloy 16E Spl
Topstar E6020
Topstar 140 E7024
Silox Fe
Silox-Fe LH
Celwel 60 E6010
Celwel 60S E6011
Celwel 70G E7010-G
Celwel 70P E7010-P1
Celwel 80G E8010-G
Celwel 80P E8010-P1
Low Alloy Steel
Molyten E7018-A1
Cromoten 1 E 8018-B1
Cromoten E 8018-B2
Cromoten STC E 8018-B2
Cromoten C E9018-B3
Cromoten 2 STC E9018-B3
Cromoten S Plus E7018-B2L
Cromoten C S Plus E8018-B3L
Cromoten D E8018-B6
Cromoten D S Plus E8018-B6L
Cromoten-9 E8018-B8
Cromoten 9L E8018-B8L
Cromoten 9M E9018-B91
Cromoten 9M-15 E9015-B91
Cromoten V E8013-G
Cromoten Ti E8013-G
Cromoten C Ti E9013-G
Tenalloy 70A E8018-C1
Tenalloy 70B E8018-C2
Tenalloy-70BL E7018-C2L
Tenalloy 70C E8018-C3
Tenalloy 70CL E7018-C3L
Tenalloy 70D E8018-C4
Tenalloy 55 E8018-G
Tenalloy 60 E8018-G
Tenalloy 60N E8018-G
Tenalloy 16E Spl E8016-G
Tenalloy 60D3 E8018-D3
Tenalloy 70D1 E9018-D1
Tenalloy 90D3 E9018-D3
Tenalloy 65 E9018-G
Tenalloy 65 Spl E9018-G
Tenalloy 70 E9018-G
Tenalloy 75D2 E10018-D2
Tenalloy 75 E10018-M
Tenalloy 75G E10018-G
Tenalloy 80 E11018-M
Tenalloy 80HH Spl E11018-M
Tenalloy 110 E11018-G-H4R
Tenalloy 120 E12018M
Tenalloy 120G E12018G
Tenalloy 4130
Tenalloy 125
Nimoten E9018-M
Nimoten Plus
Nimoten Plus 535
Ultracorten I E7018-W1
Ultracorten III E8018-W2
Tenalloy 80P2 E8045-92 H4R
Tenalloy 90P2 E9045-P2 H4R
Stainless Steel
Superinox 16/8/2 E16-8-2-16
Superinox 1A E308-16
Superinox 1AH E308H-16
Striker 308L E3086-16
Superinox 1C E308L-16
Superinox 1C-15 LT E308L-15
Betanox 308L Plus E308L-17
Superinox 2A E316-16
Betanox 316 Plus E316-17
Superinox 2C E316L-16
Superinox 2C Mo E316L-16
Betanox ZF E316L-16
Betanox K E316L-15
Betanox 316L Plus E316L-17
Superinox 2D E317L-16
Superinox 2B E318-16
Betanox 318 Plus E318-17
Superinox 1B E347-16
Betanox 347 Plus E347-17
Betanox D E309-16
Betanox 309 Plus E309-17
Betanox DL E309L-16 E309Cb-16
Betanox DCb E309Cb-16
Betanox 309Cb Plus E309Cb-17
Betanox DMo E309Mo-16
Betanox 309Mo Plus E309Mo-17
Betanox DMoL E309LMo-16
Superinox 312 E312-16
Betanox 310 Plus E310-17
Betanox 20/30 E320-15
Betanox 20/25/5/Cu E385-15
Superinox 630 E630-16
Betachrome ND
Betachrome ND Spl
Austomang 209 E209-16
Austomang 219 E219-16
Austomang 240 E240-16
Austomang 307 E307-16
Superinox 409Nb E409Nb-16
Betachrome 13Cr E410-15
Betachrome 13/4 LB E410NiMo-15
Betachrome 13/4 LB-R E410NiMo-16
Betachrome 17Cr E430-15
Betanox 4462 E2209-16
Betanox 2553 E2553-16
Betanox 2594 E2594-15
Betanox 2594-16 E2594-16
Betanox 2595-16 E2595-16
Betanox 2595-15 E2595-15
Cast Iron
Casten Est
Castmonel ENiCu-B
Castnickel ENi-CI
Ferricast ENiFe-CI
Zedalloy 55P
Zedalloy 250
Zedalloy 350
Zedalloy 350LH
Zedalloy 550
Zedalloy 550 LH
Zedalloy 600
Zedalloy 650
Zedalloy 604
Zedalloy 670 Spl
Zedalloy WD
Betachrome N
Zedalloy 12Mn
Zedalloy 20Cr
Zedalloy CrMn
Zedalloy K
Zedalloy 17Cr NS Plus
Zedalloy VB
Zedalloy 680
Nimoten Plus 535 A
Nimoten Plus 535 B
Nimoten 9580
Nimoten 9650
Nimoten HFD
Zedalloy CoCr-A
Nickel and Nickel alloys
Nicalloy 1 ENi-1
Nicalloy Fe-2 ENiCrFe-2
Nicalloy Fe-3 ENiCrFe-3
Nicalloy Mo-3 ENiCrMo-3
Nicalloy Mo-4 ENiCrMo-4
Nicalloy Mo-5 ENiCrMo-5
Nicalloy Mo-6 ENiCrMo-6
Nicalloy Mo-10 ENiCrMo-10
Nicalloy Mo-12 ENiCrMo-12
Nicalloy Mo-14 ENiCrMo-14
Nicalloy Fe-7 ENiCrFe-7
Nicalloy NiMo-7 ENiMo-7
Nicalloy 617
Albond 5 Si E4043
Albond 12 Si
Bronze ECuSn-A
Bronze Al-A2 ECuAl-A2
Bronze NiAl
Super CuNi ECuNi
Gouging & Cutting
CAG 9900
CAG 9901
CAG 9905
Wires and Fluxes
Gas Metal Arc Welding/ Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
C-Mn Steel
Low alloy steel (high temperature)
Low alloy steel (low temperature)
Stainless Steel
Duplex stainless steel
Nickel Alloys
Aluminium Alloys
Copper Alloys
Cobalt Alloy
Low alloy steel (high strength)
Flux Cored Arc Welding
FCAW C-Mn Steel
Low alloy steel (High temp)
Low alloy steel (Low temp)
Low alloy steel (High strength)
Low alloy steel (weathering steel)
FCAW Stainless steel
Hardfacing (Abrasion Impact)
Metal-cored Arc Welding
MCAW C-Mn Steel
MCAW Stainless Steel
MCAW Hardfacing
Submerged Arc Welding
Strip Cladding Flux
Brazing Products
Bare Brazing Rods
Bras 3302
Bras 3305
Bras 3314
Bras 3343
Bras 3356
Coated Brazing Rods
BRACC 2211
BRACC 7700
BRACC 3344
Brazing Fluxes
Albraze A (FB1-A)
Silbraze F (FB3-F)
MMA Equipment (CC)
Champ 200
Champ 400 X
Champ T400
Thyroluxe 401
Silent Challenger 401
Silent Challenger 501
Supergen 320
Champ 500/Champ 600
Champ 250
RED 403/RED 503
TPA 303/ TPA 403
Double Mustang / Double Racer
Gl Series Rectifiers
Thyroluxe 401/Thyroluxe 600
Champ T400
Silent Challenger Series Sc 301 / Sc 401 / Sc 501 / Sc 2×301
RED Series Welding Transformers
RED / TPA Series Welding Transformers
TIG Equipment (CC)
Champtig 500 AD
Champtig 300P
Champtig 400 P
MIG Equipment (CV)
Champmig 400 CC/CV
Champmig 300
Champmig 400
Champmig 600
Striker 400
Maxmig 251
Maximig 400
Ranger 600
Champmig 250
Advanced Multipurpose Synergic Equipment (CC - CV)
Champ Pulse 500
Champ Multi 400
Champ Multi 400/600
Submerged Arc Welding Equipment (CV)
Maestro 1200 (I)
Maestro 800 (F) / 1000 (F) / 1200 (F)
TIG Add On Units
HF 2000 / HF 2000 AD / HF 3000 / HF 3000 AD
AIR Plasma Cutting Machine
Plasmacut 25
CNC Cutting Machine
King Cut Smarty
King Cut Pro-CNC Strip Cutting Machine
Kingcut Edge
CNC cutting Machine – King Cut Pro
CNC Drilling Machine-Plate Drilling Machine
Gas Cutting Products
King Cut Pro
Kingcut Edge
Panther Nm
King Join- AGWT / 3W
King Join- AGWT / 25W
King Join- AGWT/ Ht-1
King Torch- NM
King Regulator Series
King Protect- Flashback Arrestor For Torch
King Protect R- Flashback Arrestor For Regulator
King Regulator Series (Single-Stage) Gas Regulators
King Regulator Series (Two-Stage) Gas Regulators
Holder Hc-600
Holder King Cool-600
Holder King Sword-600
Earth Clamp-600
King Welding Cable
Electrode And Flux Drying Ovens
Hypertherm Plasma Cutting Machine
AIR Plasma Cutting Machine
Powermax 30 AIR
Powermax 45 SYNC
Powermax 65 SYNC
Powermax 85 SYNC
Powermax 105 SYNC
Powermax 125
King Glove – GP
King Glove – MP
King Glove – Mig
King Glove – Tig
King Glove – HR
King Apron, Sleeve Guard, Leg Guard
King Shield-Auto
King Shield-Hand
Maintenance & Repair
Wear Resistant Products
Repair & Reclamation Services
Thermal Spray Products & Services
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Board of Directors
Management Team
Ador Group
Corporate Social Responsibility
Investors Services
Disclosures under Regulation 46 of LODR
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MGT annual Return
Credit Rating
Shareholding Pattern
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Corporate Policies
Unclaimed Dividend
Amalgamation of wholly owned subsidiary
Amalgamation of Ador Fontech Limited
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