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Automelt S79
Key Features:
- Agglomerated Flux
- Fluoride-Basic Type Flux
- High Basic Flux having Basicity index of 3.1
- Neutral Behaviour to Manganese and Silicon
- Non-Chromium Compensating
- Chromium Burnout is very less
- Multi-pass Butt and Fillet Welding
- For welding of 9% Ni Steels
- Suitable for Welding Speeds of 0.40 – 0.60 m/min
- Grain Size – 0.25-1.60 mm
- Type of Current – DCEP / AC
Typical Applications
- ASTM class 1, SA-353 class1. For welding of 9% Nickel steels for cryogenic applications, especially LNG storage systems
- Welding on stainless / heat resistant cryogenic steels and alloys for welding nickel base alloys