Automig FC 71T-5 (E71T-5C/M H4)
- Basic type gas shielded FCW wire
- Stable arc, Easy slag removal
- Smooth and porosity free weld
- Crack resistant and tough welds especially when welding steels with high carbon content
- Very low level of diffusible H2 content
- Suitable for high quality single and multi pass welding of thicker sections
- Superb mechanical properties
- Sound radiographic weld quality
Typical Applications
- Welding of structural and boiler quality
steels with minimum UTS up to 510 MPa - Welding of heavy sections in Pressure
vessels, Construction equipment, Offshore structures, Bridges - Suitable for IS 226, IS 2002, IS 2062, DIN 17115 HIV
- SA 285 Gr.C, SA 414 Gr.C/D/E
- SA 515 Gr.60/65, SA 516 Gr.60/65