Automig FC 81T1-B2 (E81T1-B2C)
- Rutile type gas shielded FCW wire
- Stable and smooth arc
- Low fumes, Minimal spatters
- Easy slag removal, smooth weld bead
- 1.25Cr-0.5Mo type weld deposit
- Resistant to creep and heat up to 550°C
- Radiographic quality weld
Typical Applications
- Welding of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 1Cr-0.5Mo
steels - For Cr and Cr-Mo bearing steels at
elevated temperature service - Suitable for 13CrMo44, 15CrMo5,
15Cr3, 16MnCr5, 20MnCr5 - Joining P4 materials ASTM SA 182/182M
Gr.F2/F11/F12, SA 213/213M Gr.T11/T12, SA 335/335M Gr.P11/P12, SA 387/387M
Gr.2/11/12 - Steam production plants, steam pipes