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Automig FC 91T1-B3
Key Features:
- Rutile type gas shielded FCW wire
- Stable and smooth arc
- Low fumes, Minimal spatters
- Easy slag removal, smooth weld bead
- Low alloy steel Cr-Mo deposit
- Resistant to creep and heat O upto 600 C
- Radiographic quality weld
Typical Applications
- Welding of 2.25Cr-0.5Mo, 2.25Cr-1Mo type creep resistant steels
- Cr-Mo and Cr-Mo-V bearing steels for high temperature applications
- Main steam pipes of boilers in electric
power plant, Boiler super heaters
- Joining of P5A materials
- Joining ASTM A 335 Gr.P22, A 387 Gr.22
- Application in refineries, power plants,
pressure vessels, boilers