Tigfil 70S-A1 (ER 70S-A1)
- Copper coated low alloy GMAW wire
- Typical 0.5Mo content
- Smooth feeding and stable arc under optimum welding conditions
- Increase strength at elevated temperature
- Weld deposit highly resistant to cold cracking
- Shiny welds of radiographic quality
- Shiny welds of radiographic quality
- Welding creep resistant 0.5% Mo steels
and fine grained steels with service
temperatures up to 500°C - High temperature and high pressure
boilers - Suitable for 15Mo3, 16Mo3, 14Mo6
- Welding low alloy steels such as type ASTM A335 grade P1 and similar materials
- Pipe line and crane construction as well as in structural steel engineering